Valorant Selector
Made by: CreateTeen (Sam)

Website Update Logs

v0.2.8: {CURRENT}

+ Vyse! [Agent Select]
>Only took me 5 months...

+ TEMP "NewAgent" [Weapon Select]
>Until the new Initiator releases


+ CLOVE! [Agent Select]

+ Fixed Outlaw Image! [Weapon Select]
>Oulaw icon now appears

v0.2.7a [Weapon Select]
>Certain Browsers having issues loading Outlaw image properly, thanks "NineLives" for reporting the bug.


+ Agent Select Changes [Agent Select]
>Updated "How To Use" Section
>Redid Agent Icon Scaling (To hopefully fix mobile)


+ Layout Update! [Agent Select]
>Updated The Layout for Agent Select Page
>Added a "How to Use" Section
>Legacy Selector can be accessed Here: [Legacy Agent Selector]

+ Updated Site Logo!
>Re-colored Site Logo to be more friendly to lightmode browsers

++ Update v0.2.5-a
>Fixed Multiple Spelling Errors
>Updated "How to use" Section [Agent Select]
>Fixed UpdateLog Layout Consistancy
>Browser Tab Display Names for all Pages


+ Help text [Gamemode Select]
>Informs how to roll for maps


+ New Agent [Agent Select]
>Placeholder for New Agent

+ Added OutLaw [Weapon Select]
>Added New Gun to the roster

+ Select System Update
>All Selectors now default "All" if no options selected
>'Select Pisols' Now includes Melee

+ Added New Website Navigation
>Added new navigation section at the bottom of pages,
>Allowed access to Update Logs Page,
>Possible redesign in the future


+ Iso [Agent Select]
>Replaced Placeholder

+ Sunset [Gamemode Select]
Added Sunset into "Custom's" Optional Section